Going Above and Beyond

The world is peppered with these phrases.

“To Infinity and Beyond!”

“Above and Beyond the Call of Duty!”

“Do your best!”

“Be Remarkable!”

Going Above and Beyond is something we consider to be our mission, not only at our client accounts but in our interactions with team members and with the community. It bleeds over into the choices we make and the areas we put our focus.

But what does it really mean to go Above and Beyond?

The funny thing about a cliche is that it’s always based in a truth. It only becomes a cliche when it passes from someone who understands the truth and into the mind of someone who hasn’t ever experienced it.

Us saying, “we go Above and Beyond to serve people,” may only make you think of Buzz Lightyear or Star Trek.

If that sounds like you, it’s nothing crazy. There’s always new truth to discover in experience.

So here’s the deal.

We go above and beyond every way we can. When we approach anything, whether a new situation or a familiar environment, our attention is focused on exceeding expectations.

That might mean picking up a cup of coffee to bring home for our spouse. Or picking up the dirty socks they left on the floor when they got dressed that morning.

It might mean bringing a box of muffins to share for the office and grabbing a gluten-free one for our office mate with dietary restrictions.

It might be that when you’re working with a client, you see a way to save them money. Or to improve their quality of experience. It’s not in your job description and it takes extra time, but you take the time out to do it anyway.

We go above and beyond for our clients by looking out for small things we can do at their offices that will brighten their day when they notice. A whiteboard that got extra cleaning to take out the marker stains or a jar of candy to share around the building.

The point is that going Above and Beyond isn’t just a motto or a mission statement. It’s a perspective of service. A joy in giving and doing for others. It only has positive results for others… And for yourself.

Go Above and Beyond, friends!

Cate Latham, Director of Marketing
Athens Cleaning Company