Joanne Chapman

Joanne is passionate about helping people. From her job as a social worker to her part-time work with us, to the relationships she has outside of work, all parts of her life are focused on helping and serving others.

When she’s not working and helping people, she loves to travel! She’s in her element when she can be immersed in another country’s culture. She also loves a good book, the great outdoors, and spending time with friends. 

Joanne started working with us in March, right after the pandemic had hit and everything was closing down. “I’m a bit of a workaholic so the thought of sitting at home and not doing anything was driving me crazy. I liked ACC because of their commitment to being “the Chick-fil-A of the cleaning industry”. It was easy to agree to be a part of a company that promoted excellence.”

We love having her on the team, from her commitment to service to her attention to detail and prompt and clear communication, she’s an all-around ideal team member! Thanks for being so fantastic, Joanne!

“I love the fact that even though I might work alone, I always feel like I am a part of a team. Their care and support for their employees is truly spectacular and very appreciated.”


To Joanne, here’s what going above and beyond means:

It means paying attention to and caring about the little things. Be aware of what needs to be done or the needs of the people in your life. Ultimately, it also means taking care of yourself so you have the capacity to pour into others.

When it comes to my accounts with ACC, it means cleaning behind fridges, wiping stains off walls, cleaning the outside of the coffee maker, rinsing out trash cans, etc.

When it comes to everyday life, it means grabbing an extra coffee for a coworker, listening to someone’s story, hugging someone in pain, watching a young mom’s kids so she can take a shower, etc.

And when it comes to going above and beyond for myself, it means being committed to sleep, to exercise, to healthy food, and lots of laughter.”